card in the mail? And it's even more special if it happens to be one that is hand-crafted!
This evening, about 60 of our church members (of a variety of ages) showed up to begin "Summer Nights of Service", a multi-facted outreach to show God's love to the community. We cleaned trash from the beach, surveyed neighborhoods, prayerwalked some of the area school campuses, handed out bottled water to those getting exercise by walking our local bridge, and made cards. Some of the cards will be sent to those who shared prayer needs during a previous survey. We are calling our card-making ministry "Hands and Hearts", and as we make and write cards, we pray for the needs of each person, and include a note to let them know of our prayers.
It was great to see folks from ages four to 70-plus engaging in ministry. And our staff coordinator (for the card-making) assured us that we had just as vital a part in outreach as those who went out on the streets of our town.
"We have different gifts, according to the grace given us", says Romans 12:6. Along with this chapter, we find a listing of spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4. These lists are probably not all-inclusive. Obviously, beach clean-up or card-making aren't on any of the scriptural lists, but those of service (Rom. 12:7) and encouragement (Rom. 12:8) are.
Some think of spiritual giftedness as being demonstrated in one who can deliver a great sermon, or is effective at leading others to Christ, and rightly so. However, a careful study of these Scriptures show many ways to effectively serve Christ, and facilitate spiritual birth and growth. And a good way to discover new areas of giftedness is to take advantage of opportunities such as these. It's also an effective way to introduce our children to serving the Lord by serving others.
Maybe it's time to step out of that comfort zone, and into a new, fruitful area of service; what adventure will you try?
best wishes from lefthandrightbrain:)
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