I encountered a man with a sharp knife a week ago today and he sliced about a 10-inch gash in me. And several “partners-in-crime” stood by, supporting his actions. Thankfully, he made sure I was unconscious before he laid open my leg and hip joint. Yes, Dr. Drake replaced my damaged hip with a new one, and now I’m one the road to recovery, which I pray will be uneventful. (Did I have you going there for a minute?)
Such events give friends and family an opportunity to demonstrate their compassion as well as God’s love. The gracious acts began days before when I received a lovely card; the sender wanted me to know she was praying for a successful outcome. Calls came in to check on the time. The morning of the operation, as I lay swaddled in the sterile hospital whites waiting for the procedure’s beginning, chaplain Bob Storie, a long-time friend and perfect picture of God’s gentleness and humility, stopped in to pray with my husband and me. During the surgery, friends and family helped while away the hours.
During my four-day hospital stay, many brought gifts, words of encouragement, lively conversation and prayers. Two or three visitors assured me meals would begin arriving at our home in the days to come. Now that I’m home, we’ve enjoyed entrees, veggies, cornbread, homemade soup, and luscious desserts. Friends have stopped by and cards have arrived in the mail.
So “love” can be spelled “T-I-M-E”; all these actions required the doers to put aside things they could have been doing for themselves and invest time (and money) in helping smooth the road to recovery.
Lord, thank you for these selfless acts my friends and family have showered upon me. In future days, if I don’t take advantage of service opportunities you’ve planned for me, please give my memory a gentle nudge.
“Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” (Romans 12:10-13)
Best wishes from lefthandrightbrain:)