After high-school, I went to cosmetology school and earned a hairdressing degree. But when the kids came along, I couldn't see paying a sitter to raise them while I sat around a shop waiting for customers, so that was a short-lived career.
Re-invented myself a few times: clerk, Avon representative, creator of handmade greeting cards, cake decorator, sign langauge interpreter, church worker and volunteer. Several years ago, I stumbled upon my love of the camera about the same time as I began doing a bit of writing. God has opened doors, and I've had the joy of seeing my work published in magazines, newspapers and online, and gained the satisfaction of seeing how my word-crafting and photography have impacted lives, especially in the Christian vein.
As I look back, one word stands out - "creativity". God has uniquely gifted me to see things from an unusual slant (why we often shy away from recognizing, proclaiming, and relishing in God's giftedness, I have no idea). Consider the photo I've uploaded for your enjoyment. While out with some photog buds, I noticed this young boy spending a late afternoon fishing with his dad. Instead of getting a full shot of the two, I chose to focus on this all-American boy, in his dirty-fingernailed, scuffed-armed glory.
I color outside the lines. Maybe it's because my dominant left hand interacts more with the creative right side of the brain. Can hardly read a map, or find my car in a parking lot, but I come up with ways to do things that are quite orthodox (yet effective) at times. And it is something I definitely thank God for!
We are all "fearfully and wonderfully made", according to Psalm 139:13-14. Before we ever became part of God's forever family, He shaped us in our mother's womb (vs. 13), and I believe He smiled as He implanted special natural skills to complement the spiritual gifts we'd receive at the moment of our spiritual birth! I often hear folks say, "I don't have any gifts." They may think they are being humble, but they're actually discounting the very words of Scripture.
Well, I'll never be a CEO (shucks, I don't want to work hard, anyway!), and don't even have an interest in getting a college degree. I'd rather be free to write in my jammies at midnight (or not), play with my grand-gals, take a group of senior adults on a day trip, cover a festival or a mssionary's adventures for a writing assignment, or read to my heart's content.
Are you enjoying a zest for life because you're fitting in the God-shaped niche He's shaped just for you? Be it humble or mighty (according to the world's standards), that's the only way to pure satisfaction. The "have it more abundantly" of John 10:10 looks different on each person; I pray you'll discover and daily live in your Jeremiah 29:11 experience!
Best wishes from Lefthandrightbrain:)
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